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astrology reading

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A 90-minute deep dive Astrology Reading with Jeff Hinshaw gifts you a 90-minute soul-centered investigation into your Birth Chart and Current Transit Chart. In the first portion of your reading, Jeff will connect you with the soul invitation of your sacred Sun-Moon-Rising combination. The remainder of your reading will focus on particular questions or interests you might have. This will all be well explained and guided for the deepening of your astrological studies. Through this experience you will gain deeper access to understanding the unique combination of planets in the sky at the time of your birth, and how you can utilize the current transits as a blueprint for empowering your life.

Focuses for Readings include (but are not limited to):

  • Understanding the soul-centered invitation of your Birth Chart

  • Understanding transits in the Year-to-Come

  • Connecting and working with one planet in your chart

  • Progressed Astrology

  • Couples/Synastry Readings

*Readings are available in-person in the East Village of New York City, or via telephone or Zoom for those not located in New York. All readings include a copy of your birth chart, 5 soul-centered traits for your Sun-Moon-Rising, and tarot card correlations related to your birth chart. Thank you so much for showing up for yourself in this way, and for trusting me to be your guide!